Thursday, 24 April 2014

"The Basics"

Okay, so I know what you're thinking: uh, Katrina, why haven't you posted in like, 3 weeks? I know, I know, I can explain! I've actually been overseas, and I queued 2 posts (including this one) to publish while I was away. The problem was, I only realised blogger didn't post them until I got back and one of my friends asked why I hadn't posted anything over the holidays (shoutout to Yemi!). So I'm sorry if I've been seeming inactive lately, but I'll definitely try and get back on top of things. For now, enjoy this post :) xx

Have you recently bought something incredibly cute, but have nothing to wear it with? Already owning all the basic clothing items can save you heaps of time and money when it comes to wearing a new piece with your current wardrobe. Want to know what all the basics are? Read on.

- White and black t-shirts (help with making statement shorts stand out - ones with pockets are extra cute!)

- White and black singlets (great for sheer tops and wearing under normal shirts when it’s cold)

- Trench/winter coat (make sure you try to get one that’s waterproof! And it's a good idea to splurge on a trench coat, as you're likely to keep it for a few years.)
Perhaps you could channel your inner 'A'?
- Denim blue and black jeans (you don’t have to get skinny jeans - choose any sort of cut you want! Thick denim is especially helpful for those chilly days)

- Jeggings (they're so much more comfortable than jeans - great for flights and road trips)

- Nude coloured underwear (never wear white underwear under white clothes - it will show through!)

- Boots (if they aren’t your thing, you could always get booties. It’s best to get leather ones and spray them with waterproof spray.)
If in doubt, dress up...

- Everyday sweatshirt/jumper (get a dark coloured one, so it won’t easily stain and look dirty)

- Casual dress (something that could be worn to the pool or out to lunch)

- Formal dress and shoes (so you don’t have to panic whenever you get invited to a formal dinner)

- Black blazer (for job interviews or any time you need to look formal)

- Everyday earrings (small-ish in size, and at least made of sterling silver so they last longer)

- Swimmers/bathing suit (this is obvious, but I’m saying it anyway)

I’m pretty sure I've covered everything. Since I'm currently overseas and away from my beloved laptop, I'll mainly be using popular posts from my second tumblr until I get back xx

Taken from: My second tumblr

Thursday, 3 April 2014

TBT: Forgotten memories that made our childhood

Since it's well and truly 2014 now (what? 3 months have already passed??), I've had the time to really consider how time has literally been flying over these past few years. I mean, it only seems like 6 months ago when I was permanently curled up in front of the TV after school, rather than constantly freaking out about what needs to be done by when. And if your memories of 2004 are still pretty clear in your mind, think about this: 2004 was ten years ago. TEN! So I've been seriously throwing it back lately, because I've come to realise that my childhood was actually pretty great (just about everyone's was!).

I've compiled a list of my favourite childhood memories into a kind of archival-style post. Read on for a throwback into the early 2000's *gels hair*.

Drake and Josh
I'm going to start with a classic: Drake and Josh. What made this show great is that it appealed to everyone at the time it was airing, from introverts to extroverts, and little kids (me at the time) to teenagers. Plus, you can watch any old episode and still find yourself in stitches from laughing too hard!

N Sync
Does the name sound familiar to you? Because I was sure I'd never heard of N Sync before until I listened to  songs like Bye Bye Bye for the first time in about six years, all the while wondering how I had forgotten about them (and the much younger Justin Timberlake). I can almost guarantee you'll remember one of their songs if you just take the time to listen to one of them.

The Jonas Brothers
While I understand that not everyone liked the Jonas Brothers, I know that I'm not the only one who was completely obsessed with them about five years ago. Ever since I heard SOS, I was hooked (oh, and Nick was my favourite, by the way). Although, my infatuation with them only lasted for about 1-2 years, as seasons 2+ of JONAS/JONAS LA were a bit of a letdown for me.
Mmm, that hair! ;)
Every now and then, I'll listen to a few of their songs just to bring back memories :'). And although the Jonas Brothers are old news now, a lot of people don't know that they released a song called Pom Poms just last year. And while they officially broke up last October (*sob*), they'll always have a special place in my heart.

Disney Everything
Sorry, I couldn't help myself...
No, I'm not talking about relatively new Disney movies such as Tangled and Frozen (although those movies were amazing), I'm talking about the classics. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid... They're still great movies, even now we're older and our interests have changed multiple times since then. And whenever I'm having a lazy weekend or down day, one of the classic Disney princess movies is guaranteed to cheer me up.

Miley Cyrus (the early days)
When I was about 10 years old, Miley Cyrus was my idol. I completely loved her, and eagerly awaited new episodes of Hannah Montana to be aired every week. When people started predicting that she would eventually go wild, I didn't believe them - I mean, why would she? And although I was no longer a fan by the time she turned eighteen, I wasn't surprised that she was still completely normal. And then she cut her hair in 2012, and shocked the world multiple times in 2013...

This was actually my favourite hairstyle in 2008
And while I don't agree with some of the decisions she's made in the past few years and the image she currently portrays, I'm glad she was a good role model while I was growing up.

High School Musical
Did you know that the first High School Musical movie was released eight years ago? And while you may not be fan of the twelvie-style fangirling that was happening at the time the trilogy was being released (I definitely wasn't), you're likely to fall in love with the romantic side to these movies. Cue late-night sing-alongs with your best friends!

She's the Man
I think everyone can agree with me when I say that She's the Man is one of the greatest teenage movies of all time. Even though this came out when I was eight years old, I still loved it and continue to love it today.

And the early 00's movies I haven't appreciated until now...
- Mean Girls
- White Chicks
- Bring it On
- Legally Blonde

If you've seen any of these movies, you'll know just how quotable they all are.

Never break the rules

Okay, that's all from me for now! I'm trying to get back in the habit of posting regularly, so keep checking back here every so often. I'll talk to you all soon, bye xx