Thursday, 5 September 2013

First World Problems

Although first world "problems" aren't actually real problems, they're so easy to relate to that everyone loves talking about them. I mean, it's not like I can't post about them at least once on this blog! (And Yemi said I had to) So without further ado, here's a list of what I think are some pretty common first world problems.

- Finishing 3 seasons of a TV show in 3 days and wondering what to do with your life

- When your cookie is too big to fit into your glass of milk

- You reach your post limit on Tumblr or Twitter for the day

- When you look amazing, go out and see no one you know. Then, when you look horrible it's like a reunion.

- When you're singing really loudly and forget the words to a song, then just sit there mumbling to yourself

- There're nowhere to put the sticker from your apple

- I don't know what I want for my birthday, and everyone keeps asking me

- You stuff up your waterproof eyeliner and it takes 5 minutes to get it off

- When your favourite singer/band is touring and you can't go because you have to travel on an hour-long flight to get to the closest city that they'll be playing at.

- The TV remote is way over there... But you're way over here

- YouTube loads the advertisements perfectly, but has trouble buffering a 10 second video

- When you see a really cute, single guy but can't think of anything to say so you don't talk to him (or maybe that's just me?)

- McDonald's is so cheap and easy to reach, but you know you'll feel super guilty afterwards

Why can't my glass just be a little wider?

Of course, there's problems that are much more important than the ones I've just mentioned. So grab a straw, suck it up and appreciate how lucky you are to have the amazing life you do! :) Bye xx

Next Week: Finding your Signature Scent

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