5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Yeah, it's pretty crazy that 2013 has already been and gone, especially with all the drama that has happened in just one year (Miley Cyrus' crazy performances, Kimye's, ahem, very public confessions of love for each other, and of course, Cory Monteith :'( ). But anyway, you've all probably been thinking and reflecting on how the past year has gone for you. Hopefully, it's been great! But if you feel like there's something you may have to change, such as stopping a bad habit or spending more time and effort in your schoolwork or sport. These things are perfectly fine to make your New Years resolutions list; however, there are unnecessary wishes you may be adding that are likely to end in excessive worrying if/when they don't come true. Some things such as...
I will get a boyfriend.
No, no, no! You can easily ruin love by wanting it too badly, especially if you force yourself to put up with bad behaviour from other people. Love will come at the right time, trust me! For now, focus on loving yourself and maintaining good relationships with friends and family.
"Never allow loneliness to drive you into the arms of someone you know you don't belong with."
- Unknown
I'll get straight A's at school
This could only be a reasonable resolution if you were previously sitting on a B+ in a few subjects, and getting straight A's in the others. In most cases, this resolution will only cause you unnecessary anxiety and stress over assignments you can only do your best in (I'm not saying you will never get straight A's, though - try your bet and that's seriously all that matters). Instead, promise yourself that you'll put an extra effort (and procrastinating less - yeah, we all do it) into your schoolwork this year - who knows, your grades may end up skyrocketing before you know it!
I'll stay best friends with ____.
Ba-bow! Once again, you can't force something like friendship. Sure, you can definitely make an effort to maintain a friendship with someone (but don't force the pressure of being their best best friend), but who knows? If you're weighing yourself down by a friend who's clearly moved on from your group of friends (keep in mind that this may also be temporary), you could also be stopping yourself from making new friends of your own.
Instead, say things like...
I'll try to be more positive
I'll learn to cook/clean/master another important skill
I'll put more effort into sport
Etc, etc...
Really, it's what you think you can accomplish in the time frame of one year, in addition to school, work and any other commitments you have. And definitely don't try to reinvent your personality ("New year, new me!!"). Just stay true to yourself, be kind to others, and accept the fact that either way, 2014 will be amazing xx
Next Week: Alphabet Creams Decoded
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