Wednesday 24 July 2013

A Crazy Acne Tip

Acne - we all get it at least once in our lives, and when we do it can range from a small pimple to a huge breakout. We all know that pimples suck! But not all of us have heard of this one crazy acne tip...

Ever had a growing pimple, but run out of spot cream? A quick solution to this problem is to actually dab some toothpaste on the area. What!? Why toothpaste? Well, it contains ingredients such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, which dry out your skin. This will reduce the inflammation of your pimple and help your skin to clear up. Because toothpaste isn't as strong as your general spot cream, leave it on overnight (if you don't sleep on your front!), then wash it off when you wake up.

Warnings: Although this is a handy tip to keep in mind just in case you're out of spot cream, it shouldn't become a substitute for it. Toothpaste has been created specifically for your mouth, not for your face! One-time uses of toothpaste every once in a while won't hurt, but using it too much can actually make your skin inflamed and even peel. (gross!)

Sorry if this wasn't as long as you hoped - I'll try to make next week's post much longer :) Just letting you all know I've decided that I'll be publishing to this blog every Thursday, so remember to check this page every week for new posts! xx

Next Week: Get Confident!

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