Tuesday 2 July 2013

Ultimate Fangirling

When it comes to celebrities, everyone knows that some dedicated fans can go absolutely over-the-top crazy over them - fangirling.  It's pretty common these days, mostly because there are so many singers, bands, actors, You Tubers and bloggers out there that just about everyone finds someone they like.

The first time I remember I went crazy over a celebrity was during my (and just about every other 10 year-old girl's) Disney phase. Oh, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers! No matter how much you deny it, you've most likely have gone through a Disney stage in at least point in your life. I mean, it's likely that you'll still know all the words to one of the Jonas Brothers' songs that you haven't heard in about 5 years. 

Anyway, fast forward to where I am now. You'll find that although I'm definitely not as crazy over celebrities as I have been in the past (thank god!), once I find my favourites, I'll stick with them for a long time. Here's a list of  my current (and long-time) favourite singers, You Tubers and the like. 

Cody Simpson 
Before you comment, think about how many songs of his you've actually listened to. My tumblr playlist has 6 of his songs in it, because it's so hard to choose which ones don't deserve a place. My favourite songs of his right now include "Summertime of our Lives," "Awake All Night" and "Pretty Brown Eyes."
Austin Mahone
I first discovered this cutie about a year ago, and I'm so excited about the release of his new song!
The Collective
If you haven't heard of them, search up their X Factor performances from last year. I probably wouldn't love them as much if they hadn't come to my town for a concert a few months ago, because people can be so different when you finally see them in person.
I'm subscribed to a lot of You Tubers, but if I had to choose just one as a favourite, MakeupbyMandy24 would have to be it. I first started watching her videos about this time last year, and it's crazy how every one of her videos is both different and interesting.
Lauren Conrad and The Beauty Department
Here I go again... This girl is amazing, and her beauty website has to be the most helpful I've come across!
Okay, so I'm definitely not this OTT...
I would go on, but I don't want this post to be too long! Don't forget to keep checking back for new posts every 1-2 weeks (I'm trying to get in the habit), and I'll talk to you next time. xx

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