Thursday 13 June 2013

Getting the best results from exercise

Hey! I've taken this post from my second tumblr, so please don't accuse me of stealing -  I wrote this myself! This post got a lot of notes on tumblr, so I thought you guys would like to read this, too. (:
You’ve all probably heard about how exercise is so good for you, so I won’t go on about that. Instead, here’s a few tips on how to get the most out of your exercise sessions. 

- Aim for at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Everyone can achieve this, trust me. You just need to make time rather than try to find it. 

- 1 weights, 2 cardio, 1 stretch and 1 sprint sessions per week. Weights sessions are pretty straight-forward: get some weights and target whatever muscles you like. For cardio, try running or swimming non-stop. Stretch sessions (probably not the proper name) are basically just yoga or Pilates. Finally, sprint sessions are just fast-paced exercises such as cycling, running, swimming or rowing (as fast as you can!). This is just an example/guideline. Do whatever suits you. 

- Warm up and cool down. A lot of people just can’t be bothered to do a cool-down, but it’s really important. Try to get your heart-rate up by doing something like taking a brisk walk and lightly stretching for both your warm-up and cool-down. 

- Wear good workout clothes. This could just be a tank top, tights, runners and a sports bra. 

- Drink heaps of water. This is much easier than you think! Just keep a water bottle next to you during the day and drink whenever you want. This, and not eating 1.5 hours before you exercise, will help prevent stitches. 

- You got a stitch!? This could mean that you are breathing too shallowly. Slow down a bit, breathe deeply and grip the stitch until the pain goes away. 

- Don’t be too intense. This is just common sense. If you know you have a sore muscle, don’t crank up the intensity. If you can, try to focus on another muscle group while you give your sore muscle some well-deserved rest. 

Of course, you can alter these tips to suit your own personal lifestyle. That's all from me for now. Bye! xx

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